
From the original website retrieved from:

Original website layout C 2015

Paint of Our Lady of the Universe from Joseph Vitolo's home

Joseph Vitolo praying for visitors

Crowds during apparitions

Article from The Sphere newspaper

Young Joe Vitolo being carried.

Young Joe Vitolo praying before statue of OurLady

Massive crowds on the Grand Concourse in the Bronx during the apparitions.

Massive crowds fill the Grand Concourse and Villa St in the Bronx hoping to glimpse a miracle during the last apparition on November 14, 1945 in the cold rain.

Older Joseph Vitolo showing the spot where Our Lady of the Universe appeared.

Young Joe Vitolo praying during the apparitions on November 10, 1945.

Crowd on November 1, 1945.

Young Joe Vitolo shows people the spot where Our Lady of the Universe appeared to him October 31, 1945.

Young Joe Vitolo during the apparitions on November 10, 1945 with 30,000 present.

Young Joe Vitolo during the apparitions on November 12, 1945 with over 30,000 present.

Young Joseph Vitolo during the apparition on October 31, 1945.

Crowds gathering on November 7, 1945.

Joe Vitolo praying at the shrine.

1945 photos on claimed cure/Joseph praying. From Life magazine on claimed cure: " 'He's cured my boy's paralyzed finger', says Mrs. Phillip Miller. Joseph touched child's hands."
From our Instagram page: @OurLadyoftheUniverse

New Photos March 16, 2020

LiveStreams March 16, 2020